Before Reality Gays, there was the Dear Mattie Show!
Nov. 20, 2014

Dear Mattie Show 017: Mandi Mellen and Dan Salem

Dear Mattie Show 017: Mandi Mellen and Dan Salem

Sometimes you meet people through normal circumstances and then sometimes you meet Mandi Mellen while being serenaded by Justin Timberlake. It's true. And then when I met her adorable and super sweet hubby Dan Salem, I knew I had to have them on the show. This newlywed couple give some great couple advice. Topics include: Can a wife have male friends, Am I boring my dates, Losing the weight but still feeling like a fat girl, and a mother-in-law catching her son doing the nasty!

They also have a truly hilarious web-series called Pillow Talk. It's actually kinda-of a big deal and getting a lot of buzz, but they won't admit it.  Watch via the links below! 

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