Before Reality Gays, there was the Dear Mattie Show!
Feb. 20, 2015

Dear Mattie Show 025: Leila Kenzle

Dear Mattie Show 025: Leila Kenzle

When I was younger, Mad About You was maybe one of my favorite sitcoms on NBC. Little did I know that one day I would be interviewing one of it's stars, Leila Kenzle on my show. Life surprises you sugars. In fact, Leila is just a surprise. She was at the TOP of the actor chain in Hollywood she had "MADE IT", yet she decided to switch gears and become a fantastic Marriage andamp; Family Therapist working in Los Angeles. She's a true example that fame and money don't make you happy. She also is FANTASTIC at analyzing dreams (which we discuss some dreams on the show), and she also shares some stories of working with actors from Rosie O'Donnell, Carol Burnett, and even Bill Cosby. Topics include: I'm having dreams of being a serial killer, am I going crazy? What's the gayest thing you've done, Mattie?, Is therapy really for me?, and My name is Meryl, and I'm an adult who secretly colors...that ok?

Find out more about Leila at

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