Before Reality Gays, there was the Dear Mattie Show!
Sept. 23, 2015

Dear Mattie Show 040: Dr. Dani Schlichter

Dear Mattie Show 040: Dr. Dani Schlichter

I just think Dr. Dani is about the best therapist out there. I'm not kidding. She's heartfelt, knows when to throw in a dirty joke, and is smart as hell.  She makes me feel like my smarter sister is taking care of me and got my back when she's around. On this episode, she goes into detail about her experience working with clients who struggle with acute Hoarding. I mean she's SEEN people lives in chaos, literally. Y'all are gonna love this episode.  Listener questions include: I'm a filmmaker in LA and I think my friends are over me doing kickstarters, are they right? How do I help my mom get through her divorce? My girlfriend is a hunter and I abore it, should I tell her?

You can find all things Dr. Dani, or even reach out to her for help at her website.

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