Before Reality Gays, there was the Dear Mattie Show!
Dec. 4, 2015

Dear Mattie Show 047: Jackie Kashian

Doing stand-up, I've meet people who are just naturally funny people and then I know others who aren't the funniest people, but write a damn good joke. Jackie is both of these things. Her warmth, humor, and incredible self deprecating style are the reason why I wanted to have her on the show. I just laughed my face off in this episode. And I kinda just want to have coffee with her at least once a week just to remember there are awesome people in the world.

PLEASE listen to her podcast, the Dork Forest. Every week she has different people discussing what they dork out about.  It's informative, funny, and nerdy as hell--I LOVE IT. Go to

Also Jackie has a new stand-up special, "This Will Make An Excellent Horcrux", avail now.  I truly love this gal.

Find all things Jackie on her website:

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