Before Reality Gays, there was the Dear Mattie Show!
Sept. 21, 2016

Dear Mattie Show 71 Lisa Schwartz, Fat Babies, and an Instagram Contest

Dear Mattie Show 71 Lisa Schwartz, Fat Babies, and an Instagram Contest

Lisa Schwartz, to me, is the embodiement of the new American Dream. She has taken a joy of being silly, sexy, and smart and put it on the web for her millions of Youtube fans to see, and been a huge success. We had a great time answering your questions and sharing why we both are SO glad we didn't have social media as children--because we would have been real ashamed!

SO JOIN OUR INSTA CONTEST!!!!  If you go to my Instagram @theMattMarr and find the picture with FAT BABY, the person who follows me and has the BEST caption will get their own personal Fatbaby sent by Lisa. SO GO GO GO!  Fat Babies are seriously...da best.

Find all things Lisa at @lisbug on Youtube and her new ABC series This Isn't Working. Seriously, it made me spit out by Dr. Pepper, y'all.  Good stuff from a great gal.  I love my job.

And as always you can follow me @theMattMarr of every Thursday I have my own Youtube videos. Subscribe at @talktomattmarr

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