Before Reality Gays, there was the Dear Mattie Show!
Oct. 25, 2016

Dear Mattie Show 74 Harry Duran from Podcast Junkies, One Pissed Off Sister & How to Start a Podcast

Dear Mattie Show 74 Harry Duran from Podcast Junkies, One Pissed Off Sister & How to Start a Podcast

Yes I have only pretty people on my show.  But here's the deal.  Harry Duran is so dang smart and passionate about connecting with podcasters that I had to have him on my show for that alone!  

Podcast Junkies was born out of Harry's interest in podcasters and why we do what we do. I love his show because it's like starts from the head but always meanders into the heart of why we all love podcasts. We also talk about what got him out to California from the east coast.  This man faced a stock market crash (a business he worked in) and faced a Hurricane, and decided to live a life of purpose rather than profit.  And now he's doing both those things.  Harry's an inspiring guy y'all.  Take a listen to his show and subscribe.  You won't regret it sugars.

Also this week, I'm a guest ON his show! Listen:

Find all things Harry here:  His Podcast and his business 

Also, his website is WAAAAYYYYYYYY more detailed than mine.  Don't expect that from people--I'm not as smart as Harry!

See for privacy information.