Before Reality Gays, there was the Dear Mattie Show!
Oct. 20, 2017

DMS112: Panti Bliss, the Fiercest Drag Queen of Ireland

DMS112: Panti Bliss, the Fiercest Drag Queen of Ireland

I WAS SO HAPPY to find out that Panti Bliss was here in Los Angeles as part of IRELANDWEEK...yes it's a glorious week where beautiful Irish people come to LA to speak in that HOT accent and show us all that Ireland has to offer. Hey, I'm Irish...these are my people. #IrelandWeek

And to me there is nothing better than using your art to help others and give a voice to the voiceless--and that is exactly what Panti Bliss is doing. Always entertaining, always passionate, yet always thoughtful Panti has become one of the champions of LGBTQ Equality in Ireland.  Largely after this truly incredible video went viral on several years ago..WATCH IT HERE!

And if you're going to be Los Angeles come see Panti this Friday and Saturday. I'LL BE AT THE FRIDAY SHOW--SAY HI!! GET TICKETS here:

Here's a bit about the show:

The Queen of Ireland Panti Bliss invites you into her gender-discombobulating, stiletto-shaped world, exposing the stories behind the makeup – from performance giant to accidental activist – to reveal the National Treasure she is today.

Hilarious and poignant, Panti Bliss: Live In LA is a riotous comedy about life after 'Pantigate' - making movies and making history. Charting brushes with infamy, near misses with fame, and adventures in the seedy underbelly, this is a comedy about a life well lived, in which Panti promises to ‘say the un-sayable’.

Find all things Panti Bliss here:

and on her Facebook and Twitter @PantiBliss

Twitter: @themattmarr

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