Acupuncture is not just for people on a mountain finding zen. It's for athletes, Moms, Businessmen...anyone can benefit. Antonio Whitely is my go-to guy for getting poked and he's going to explain ALL things Acupuncture sugar...
So this was almost a "forgotten" Dear Mattie episode, and I'm SO GLAD IT WAS FOUND. Matt Dobschuetz is so eloquent, so heartfelt, and just so dang good that you're gonna feel that YOU were lost but now Found, sugars! …
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Sometimes I think I'm busy--and then I look at Nicole Holland's life. Gurllll is working it out! She's the host of two great podcasts; The Business Building Rockstars Show & Get Guest Ready. Nicole helps people increase the...
Nick Loper truly made his life into what he wanted it to be. Tired of the day job, the rat race, he worked on his own Side Hustle, until it became his main. That's what this episode is about, sugars. …
Jen Briney is a superhero to me. Truly. She is a person who cares about facts over emotion and lives to decipher what laws can truly give people comfort and happiness in their lives. She's one of the good ones--but …
Are you working at the day job that's slowly taking your soul. Well so was Brian "B.J." Kang. It was consuming him. So what did he do? He took the leap and hoped the net would appear, sugars. And it …
Let's talk about sex, sugars. No I'm not having Salt-n-Peppa on the show...but I am having Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, Sociologist, Speaker, Writer, Relationship & Intimacy Counselor. This show will change your perspective about sex...
I'm always stoked listening to people who take a leap and wait for the net to appear. Aaron is a leaper. If you're wanting to start something new or re-ignite something old--this show is for you, sugars. Find all things …
Okay, I've been struggling. As an Oklahoma boy who's now an adult living in California, trying to understand both sides of the political coin has been, shall we say daunting? But I can't give up on our country and the …
Omar K. Mills is a 44-year-old, Born-again Christian, who is abstaining from sex. That's not a typo, sugars! Brother has got some willpower. And dating hasn't gone great for Omar as well, hence is podcast Tales From the Frien...
I'm sitting here trying to write something clever about Richard and Shawn from the Language of Bromance and honestly...I got nothing. I got nothing because nothing I write is going to be as clever and funny AND as awesome as …
I'm excited to share this talk I gave at my old choir camp that meant so much to my life. The Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain, literally saved my life. I honestly think I could have been one …
This is a very different Dear Mattie Show. It's just me folks. In the wake of this week, I couldn't help but take some time to talk about how two icons--Carrie Fisher and George Michael impacted my life. In this …
I'm serious y'all--this is one of my top 5 favorite shows I've ever done. Why? Well, Chris Seiter is making his living from helping people get back with their Ex's. And he's not judging them, and he's not calling them …
Mike Blejer...ah! I. Love. This. Man. Yes he's cute, but he's also the perfect combination of a soul, very kind and very funny. And we both believe empathy is so important in life. Mike is a podcast host, comic, political …
Lauren Ramsey is like a Fame Song--she takes her passion and makes it happen! This woman is driven. Loved talking to her about branding, obsessing about food, and obsessing about music. And now I'm obsessed...with Lauren. Sh...
David and Mike Appel are brothers on a mission--to give folks comfortable, incredible underwear...with matching socks. I kinda love their undies...a lot. Click here to buy and enter the code "MARR" for a discount: http://rel...
Angus works with executives of the world’s largest companies as a speaker, coach, and facilitator. He’s spoken at corporate headquarters for Walmart, Whole Foods, Coke, BMW and others; hosts an Top 20 business podcast...
I remember when I turned 25 everyone told me I was "A QUARTER OR A CENTURY OLD!"... Let's be didn't help things. My guest for this week is Bryan Teare, host of The QuarterLife Comeback podcast and website. When …
Yes I have only pretty people on my show. But here's the deal. Harry Duran is so dang smart and passionate about connecting with podcasters that I had to have him on my show for that alone! Podcast Junkies was …
I know I say this about every man on my show, but Mark Asquith really is SOOOOO HOT. Okay he's also really smart, a do gooder, and HE'S BRITISH! #Icant In this episode, Mark and I discuss why so many …
This week we're talking about life reflection, nosey neighbors, and how to friggin' say no!!!! I loved sitting with MJ Dougherty author of Life Lessons From a Total Failure. So a lot of people write a book to say they …
Lisa Schwartz, to me, is the embodiement of the new American Dream. She has taken a joy of being silly, sexy, and smart and put it on the web for her millions of Youtube fans to see, and been a …